Squeak 2.1 for UNIX?

Dan Ingalls DanI at wdi.disney.com
Fri Aug 14 15:35:49 UTC 1998

> I run Squeak under Linux, and I've
>found that sometimes when I read files with the file browser there are no
>carriage returns at the end of each line.  I filein'ed the CrLf fix on the
>UIUC ftp site, and after a bit of hacking to get it to work I STILL find
>that some files have no carriage returns when read.  Am I missing something
>important?  The CrLf fix did help some things though...prior to applying this
>fix eekMail wasn't reading the email.preferences properly, and now it
>works properly with the CrLf fix.

Don't forget (if you knew to begin with ;-) the cmd-shift-U feature in the Squeak editor.  It will convert all LFs to CRs in the current selection (use cmd-A or click twice at the beginning to select all).  Not as general as Lex's code, but often just what you need.

	- Dan

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