RV: "thisContext selector" (the revenge)

Dan Ingalls DanI at wdi.disney.com
Tue Aug 25 12:58:24 UTC 1998

Ale -

I'm on the road and can't send a careful answer until later.  However, execute...

	3 perform: #zork: with: 4

and look at the debugger state.  The message is fairly nicely packaged up and will even proceed properly if you define zork: before proceeding.  So I would spend a while looking at what the debugger does.  It should ultimately answer your need.

	- Dan

>what happens when you send a #perform: message?
>It is solved in a primitive method that sends the message inside the VM;
> activating a new method context to solve the performed message.
>Then, when I look for the sent message in the context, the message found
> is #perform:... and the activated method is NOT the #perform implementation
>The #perform: implementation does not create a MethodContext because
> it is a primitive method!
>When I search in the contexts (actual and the sender's context)
>I can find the #perform: selector, but the arguments are missing
>( has been absorbed by primitive)
>Provably the problem will be difficult to solve with the contexts information only...
>Is there any known (easy) way to solve the #perform: problem?

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