Double dispatching and Point

Travis Griggs tgriggs at
Mon Feb 2 18:37:36 UTC 1998

David N. Smith wrote:

> At 22:45 -0500 1/31/98, Travis or Kerrin Griggs wrote:
> >In doing this, I found that the by the time I was done with
> >Point, it would have been much easier to make Point a subclass of Number.
> >I could
> >probably get rid of quite a few messages that way as well. Is there a good
> >reason not to
> >make Point a subclass of Number?
> Yes, points are not magnitudes! The definition of #< in Point contains the
> note:
>    "Answer whether the receiver is above and to the left of aPoint."
> while #> contains the comment:
>    "Answer whether the receiver is below and to the right of aPoint."
> Consider the following examples. In the first case, (2 at 2) is indeed less
> than (3 at 3). In the next two however, (4 at 6) is neither greater than nor less
> than (5 at 5).
> (2 at 2) < (3 at 3)
>  true
> (5 at 5) < (4 at 6)
>  false
> (5 at 5) > (4 at 6)
>  false
> However, to be a magnitude #< and #> must be defined for all values such
> that if the values are not equal either #< or #> will answer true. The
> comment for class Magnitude says:
>   I am an abstract representation of objects that measure something linear.
> If one object can be neither less-than nor greater-than another then the
> objects are not 'linear'.
> Note that at least one major Smalltalk implementation (not IBM) gets this
> wrong. I guess it's OK if inheritence is considered strictly for
> implementation purposes, but that's how one ends up with Process being a
> subclass of a collection (as in some Digitalk systems).
> I'd vote for having some is-a view point mixed in with the
> only-implementation viewpoint.

Good points. I have never found any use for the Point < method as defined. I
have had reason to sort Points quite often, and have always done so using the
following sort block:

[:a :b | a y = b y ifTrue: [a x < b x] ifFalse: [a y < b y]]

True, it establishes a convention, but I've never wanted ambiguous sorting of
Points. Why not change the definition of < for Point. Does anyone use it to
their benefit as implemented now, and in such a way that would make the above

What are the arguments against turning the heirarchy there upside down? IOW


Travis Griggs
Key Technology
tgriggs at

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