Streaming over OrderedCollection

Kohler Markus kohlerm at
Mon Feb 9 09:30:43 UTC 1998

Travis or Kerrin Griggs wrote:
> As it stands right now, one cannot do the following in Squeak:
> (WriteStream on: (OrderedCollection new)) nextPut: Object new.
> I *believe* though that I can do this in VW (I have to wait till I get to work to
> verify though). What's the best way to make this doable in Squeak, or should it
> not be possible?

It does work in VW 2.5, haven't checked Squeak yet.

> Travis Griggs


| Markus Kohler                          Hewlett-Packard
GmbH                |
| Software Engineer                      OpenView Software
Division          | 
|                                        IT/E Response
Team                  |

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