Hypertext, Documentation, and Swiki

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at netvision.net.il
Sat Feb 14 14:40:43 UTC 1998

It seems to me that the Wiki Way could serve us very well as a way of
documenting our system from within, as well as from without.

I'd say the Wiki system has significant advatnages over the hypertext
system used in 1.30 - the foremost being accessability. I've tried
and tried to see the contents of a link in Squeak, and it's not easy.
Maybe I had just too much of the combination of bad luck and
ignorance, but the easiest I can think of is to get ahold of the view
that holds it and navigate the inspectors from there. A bit less than
intuitive. Is there a better way of doing it?

In Wiki the link target is exactly it's name, so it's trivial.

Here's another way to go - Word Perfect used to have an optional pane
that would display the logical features of a file (in a format not
unlike html tags). This could be useful for both code panes and
general text panes. In both kinds, links would show their target. In
code panes, we might show token types, or type hints when type
inference/runtime type collection is implemented.

Daniel Vainsencher 
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