The Squeak UI - mouse and keyboard

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at
Sun Feb 15 03:02:00 UTC 1998

I'd like to make an inquiry of all users as to how you use the
keyboard/mouse in your daily work with Squeak.

Points you might choose to refer to -
Which do you use more?

For which tasks can you use either?

Which do you usually use in those cases?

How are your usage patterns different than in other environments you
use, whatever they may be?

When do you find yourself switching often between them?

Does this interrupt your work?

What would you change in the way things are?

How would your dream interface work, in regards to this aspect -
mouse/keyboard usage.

If you have any cool tips that you want to share that are relevant to
this question...
Daniel Vainsencher 
A member of the First Millennial Foundation,
making space a place to live in. Visit our CyberHabitat at

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