Squeak API Library question from a Newbie

Dave Anderson deandrsn at uiuc.edu
Mon Feb 23 15:34:53 UTC 1998

I will happily admit that I am a squeak Newbie.

That said:

I am trying to get Alejandro F. Reimondo's API library to work.
I have tried the 1.23 version (which comes with a sq.exe binary).
But I keep running into doesNotUnderstand messages when
GetModuleHandle was being called on KernelDLL.  While trying
to figure out that problem, I ran across the post that a 1.3 version
was available.  So I grabbed that version and, since it did not come
with a binary, proceeded to compile in the sqWin32API code (with
the 1.3 windows source of course).

However, after I file in the API st files, I try to initialize the libraries
ExternalHandle startUp.

Now, instead of getting a doesNotUnderstand.  I get a primitive failure,
which is happening when primitive 241 gets called with an argument of
2, which is calling the GetModuleHandle code.

Has anyone run into this problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dave Anderson
cs225ta1 at cs.uiuc.edu

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