Anyone have a copy of Smalltalk-80 version 2.3?

Sam Adams ssadams at
Fri Feb 6 15:27:19 UTC 1998

As some of you may recall from the Squeak BOF at OOPSLA, Adele Goldberg
graciously offered to release the sources file (essentially, the class library)
for version 2.3 of Smalltalk-80 under a Squeak-ish license.  She made this
offer in response to my report on my activities in "Smalltalk archeology",
i.e., using Squeak as a platform to resurrect large bodies of "ancient"
Smalltalk code and applications that relied on the pre-VisualWorks UI
frameworks and classes.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate a complete copy of the 2.3 sources
If anyone has a copy, please let me know.  I will handle the rest.

Sam S. Adams, Distinguished Engineer, IBM Research RTP
tie line 444-0736, outside 919-254-0736, email: ssadams at
<<Hebrews 11:6, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 1:16-17, I Corinthians 1:10>>

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