interpreter questions regarding memory model...Squeak for BeOS

Tim Rowledge rowledge at
Mon Jan 26 04:54:08 UTC 1998

On Sat 24 Jan, Ian Piumarta wrote:

> My suggestion would be to avoid malloc entirely and to allocate an area of memory
> by some other means, in a way that leaves you certain that it can only ever be in
> the lower half of the address space.
I agree with this idea entirely. In order to make use of an extended memory controlling API on the Acorn, I have to change the VM code to call platAllocateMemory() instead of relying on malloc(). As it happens, it speeds up GUI responsive
ness by about 5 times, but that's just a quirk of the Acorn OS.

I did suggest such a change to JohnM some time ago, but it looks like he never got time to include it. My rationale was that it couldn't hurt anybody and would help me, but now it looks like it might help someone else as well.

Actually, I'd suggest it might be useful to indirect ALL calls to 'outside' apis, so that the platform specific code can cleanly intercept any that might not be suitable; there aren't many so it wouldn't be too onerous. Let's see, malloc,
 fread, frite, fseek, fopen, fclose, math stuff.... that's about it. The easy way would be to have the SQ code refer to some munged name and to use macro definitions to make use of the 'normal' calls where acceptable.
Thus we could easily intercept all the file handling but leave macros for exp, floor, sin etc.


Useful random insult:- Supports nativist theories that man is formed from clay.
Tim Rowledge:  rowledge at (w)  +1 (650) 856-7230 (w)
 tim at (h)  <>

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