Newbie Q: Creating Forms from an Array

Tim Olson tim at
Fri Jul 10 04:48:44 UTC 1998

Hi, Gary:

>How does one create a Form from an array as opposed to reading from a
>file? This is for a new interface design for Halo using small bitmaps
>placed in a different order to replace the colored Ellipses.

I assume what you want to do is create a representation of a Form that 
you can store in initialization code, as opposed to storing in an 
external file.  For that, most of the work is already done for you with 
Form>>storeOn:   e.g.:

     String streamContents: [:strm | form storeOn: strm]

will return a string that can be read back into Squeak to recreate the 
form; note that this string uses fromArray:

You can then paste this string into your initialization code, so that it 
looks something like:


form1 := (Form
    extent: 256 at 256
    depth: 16
    fromArray: #( 1610244090 1610244090 1610244090
     1610244090 1610244090 1610244090 1610244090
     1610244090 1610244090 1610244090 1610244090
     1610244090 1610244090 ....

     -- tim

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