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Stefan Matthias Aust sma at kiel.netsurf.de
Fri Jun 26 19:46:25 UTC 1998


I like Microsoft's new tahoma font. With the help of Andreas' stfont.exe
tool, it was no problem to add a 8pt Tahoma font to Squeak. The generated
bold face, however, looks ugly. Unfortunately, Squeak tries to create
different faces of a font automatically.  Instead of a automatically
generated face, I'd like to use the real tahoma-bold font, which is also
available. I'm now looking for a good way to add multi-face fonts to
Squeak. Has anybody already worked on this?

I thought about creating a StrikeFont subclass which would not reset the
derivativeFonts cache but use it instead generating new faces.  However, it
seems that subclasses of StrikeFont aren't well supported by Squeak. As the
main problem with the generated bold variant is that the space between two
characters is too small, it might be enough to just add an extra row of
blank pixels behind each printed character. I think, the Amiga, which uses
a similar way of printing fonts, worked this way.

Stefan Matthias Aust  //  Are you ready to discover the twilight zone?

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