Is Squeak limited to 512Mbyte process size?

Dan Ingalls DanI at
Fri Nov 6 15:22:18 UTC 1998

Georg -

Thanks for looking into this.  We'll try to get a fix out with 2.3.
We wouldn't want Squeak to be limited to 512K!

	- Dan
>>At 10:52 Uhr +0100 06.11.1998, Markus Kohler wrote:
>>>I'm just curious.
>>>I started my mmap Squeak with  520Mbyte and strange things happened.
>>>It started up but the process size went to about 140 Mbyte whereas it
>>>at 5 when I used 500Mbyte.
>>>Also Smalltalk bytesLeft gave back around 8 Mbytes of free space ...
>>Having a quick look at the image there could indeed be a 512 MB limit in
>>the garbage collector (browse class var references to
>>ObjectMemory>FreeSizeMask). But I could be totally up the creek as well...
>Me again :-)
>A little further investigation indicates that free chunks of memory can be
>at most 512 MB or so (FreeSizeMask := 16r1FFFFFFC).
>I dont´t think this precludes a larger image, but the memory setup can´t
>just do
>ObjectMemory>initializeMemoryFirstFree: firstFree
>self setSizeOfFree: freeBlock to: (endOfMemory - firstFree).  "bytes
>available for oops"
>but would have to allocate multiple free chunks.
>Further code would be needed to allow objects larger than 512 MB, but one
>could have very few of those anyway :-)

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