System Windows problems

Dan Ingalls DanI at
Mon Nov 23 21:35:25 UTC 1998

>    While condig latest version of MorphicWrappers (soon available), we
>found a problem: After setting allowSysWindowsEmbedding in Preferences,
>when you drag an opened (not collapsed) system windows to the TrashCan,
>not only two error pops up, but the StackTrace is dumped. The problems
>are in SystemWindows' #passivate and #activate methods, sorry for only
>posting the problem and not the solution...

Richie -

Thank you for this alert.  We have confirmed the problem and will have it fixed in 2.3.  By the way, I plan to put out a beta version of 2.3 tomorrow evening, in case that is relevant to your upcoming new release of Morphic wrappers.

	- Dan

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