
Laurence Rozier lrozier at thepattern.com
Fri Oct 16 19:55:59 UTC 1998

This is great! I did notice however, that the full windows image won't unzip -
I've tried it on two different machines with different connections.


michal starke wrote:

> hi all,
> you might be interested in a morphic outliner that i wrote as a
> smalltalk-learning project some weeks ago and that has grown into a decent
> alpha/prototype (provisionally called 'Golgi'). The core of it is a
> MORE-like outliner, with each header a full PluggableTextMorph, with reorg
> of headers, hoisting etc. (screenshot here:
> http://latl.unige.ch/lmc/f5/goRaw.gif).
> Maybe more directly relevant to squeak: one of the goals i had in mind is
> that it should be fairly easy to adapt the outliner to specialised uses.
> This version comes with one such specialised use: a smalltalk (squeak)
> code-editor integrated into standard squeak browsers. (screenshot here:
> http://latl.unige.ch/lmc/f5/goSqueak.gif).
> Qua squeak-code editor, it presents several benefits:
> - less punctuation hassle: it inserts dots at the end of the relevant
> headers. indentation signals blocks so that it can inserts square brackets
> automatically, it allows to comment out code by simply hitting cmd-t (the
> wedge becomes a quote sign and the header is commented. headers under that
> header are automatically commented too), to insert a breakpoints by hitting
> cmd-k, to forego the var-declaration syntax '|'. in short it allows one to
> concentrate on the meaning while writing code, minimising the syntactic
> chores.
> - quick and easy view/manipulation of the structure. useful particularly
> when the code becomes bigger than what one pane would contain. Again,
> allows one to concentrate on the meaning of it all :-)
> I plan to integrate Golgi very closely with squeak since there are many
> parts of squeak into which i would like to sneak outline-like views. Eg:
> - inspectors (wouldn't it be great to be able to expand down an inspector
> rather than opening zillions of them?!)
> - list-views, particularly browser list views. that would allow
> hierarchical categorization of classes.
> You can download the current prototype of Golgi either as a fileIn-set
> (there is an installer) or as a complete image preloaded with Golgi:
> http://latl.unige.ch/lmc/f5/golgi_052a10.hqx (file-in)
> http://latl.unige.ch/lmc/f5/golgi_052a10.zip (file-in)
> http://latl.unige.ch/lmc/f5/MACFULLGOLGI_052A10.HQX (5MB)
> http://latl.unige.ch/lmc/f5/WINGOLGFULL_052A10.ZIP
> Warnings:
> - keep in mind that this is an early alpha. it is usable, but bugs will
> jump at you! I am sharing this now not because it is mature, but (first for
> the sheer pleasure of sharing it! and...) to let people know about the
> ongoing project, maybe get some feedback and to allow people to tinker with
> teh code if they feel like it.
> - if you choose the file-in + installer, back up before: it installs some
> methods in system classes to allow manipulation of its shared pools)
> - if you go looking at the under the hood, don't trust what you see (or
> read in comments) yet. there are several successive layers of prototypes in
> there that i haven't had time to clean up entirely.
> On the other hand i have kept all my notes in it for the last couple of
> weeks and still haven't lost anything.
> michal

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