Base image, Windows look

Georg Gollmann gollmann at
Tue Sep 1 07:52:49 UTC 1998

At 3:14 Uhr -0400 01.09.1998, Doug Way wrote:
>Still, after playing around with Squeak for a few months, there are some
>things I'd like to see moved to the base image.  Something
>language-centric like exception handling, it seems sort of ridiculous to
>keep as an external goodie.  Though I suppose it makes sense to keep it
>external for awhile to get a feel for which exception mechanism is most
>appropriate for Squeak, and then add it to the base image later.  (Maybe
>that's the current plan?  It shouldn't go in until it's ready, of course.)

Please note that Squeak has perfectly usable error handling already


Dipl.Ing. Georg Gollmann                   TU-Wien, EDV-Zentrum

phon:(+43-1) 58801 - 5848
fax: (+43-1) 587 42 11
mail:gollmann at

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