Squeak/X11 mouse strangeness

Dan Ingalls DanI at wdi.disney.com
Thu Sep 3 18:28:57 UTC 1998

Kevin -

>I have a bit of a question...I often leave my Squeak VM running for extended 
>periods of time running on my Xterminal (I rarely log out).  I'm finding, 
>however, that sometimes after being up for a while, the mouse events in Squeak 
>get confused somehow.  For example, if I have a browser window up, when things 
>get in their confused state, if I click on a class definition the name of the 
>definition gets highlighted in yellow (as opposed to grey/red) and nothing 
>happens (ie the breakdown of the class does not happen in the rest of the 
>browser).  If I right-click on the 'root' MVC desktop in this state, the 
>equivalent of the 'do' menu pops up instead of the usual menu with 'open..' in 
>it.  It almost seems that the mouse click is being 'modified' somehow, as 
>though the alt key or a control key were stuck.
>Has anyone else seen this happen?

Might be a problem with Xterminal, but it happens to me (on a Mac) whenever my toddler visits and pushes my caps lock down.  This is the state you are describing.

	- Dan

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