
Gerardo Richarte (CORE-SDI) richie at securenetworks.com
Wed Sep 2 21:24:49 UTC 1998


Is anybody using TextAttributes at all?
It was not working properly in Morphic, has anybody noticed this?

We (in Mathematical Squeak Project) are using it a lot, and found some problems when trying to use it inside Morphic, as we are currently moving everything into morphic they are very important to us.
There is a new version of TextAttributes that works in Morphic. It also includes a Preference setting to avoid answering if you want the method saved with style every time.
As usual it includes TextPrintIt attribute and multiple selections.

	Attributted Bye!

 PS: You can get it from http://www.sugarweb.com, the right file to get is TextAttr2.zip (http://www.sugarweb.com/Miniatures/files/TextAttr2.zip) TextAttr.zip is for Squeak v1.32

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