[REQ]Remove InputSensor>>mousePoint

Reinier van Loon R.L.J.M.W.van.Loon at inter.nl.net
Mon Apr 5 19:57:36 UTC 1999

Dan et al.,

while studying InputSensor I found that it has 3 methods to answer the
coordinates of the cursor:

a) mousePoint    = ^ self primMousePt
b) cursorPoint     = ^ self cursorPoint
c) primMousePt  =  <primitive: 90>

mousePoint has 11 senders, cursorPoint has 226! and primMousePt just 1.

Funny, the slowest method is used the most...

I propose:

a) to remove mousePoint;
b) implement cursorPoint as <primitive: 90>.

Cheers, Reinier.

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