Weak support for directory manipulation in Squeak (?)

Tim Rowledge rowledge at interval.com
Wed Apr 7 17:15:09 UTC 1999

On Wed 07 Apr, Stephen Pope wrote:
> In porting the Minnestore OODB to Squeak, I'm running into problems with
> directory manipulation. There are methods in class FileDirectory for creating
> directories, but not for deleting them (FileDirectory deleteFileNamed: won't
> work)
This probably depends somewhat on your platforms choice of behaviour for the
ANSI C 'remove' function. On the Acorn, it does indeed remove the directory -
as long as it is empty... occupied ones are a different matter!

> or asking whether a directory exists (FileDirectory fileExists: answers
> false),
It's also a poor implementation - it opens the file and immediately closes it,
instead of using a more efficient OS call.  A prim would be much better.
> Should we use a couple of the empty primitives in the range 163-168 for new
> directory primitives?
I'd say that would be reasonable. Just as long as the SQ code can cope properly
with older VMs missing the prims...


Make sure comments and code agree.
Tim Rowledge:  rowledge at interval.com (w)  +1 (650) 842-6110 (w)
 tim at sumeru.stanford.edu (h)  <http://sumeru.stanford.edu/tim>

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