Weak support for directory manipulation in Squeak (?)

johnm at wdi.disney.com johnm at wdi.disney.com
Thu Apr 8 22:00:39 UTC 1999

I'd like to keep sqFilePrims.c portable.

I think the best solution is to add a directory delete primitive,
as Stephen first suggested. I'm not eager to add a directoryExists
primitive, since there is already a way to get that information
(as Stephen's filein demonstrates).

Basically, the code Stephen sent out looks fine and I see no reason
not to fold it into the baseline.

	-- John

At 1:02 PM -0700 4/8/99, Stephen Travis Pope wrote:
>Duane Maxwell wrote:
>> I think they should be treated identically except for creation.  The
>> differentiation of behaviors for directories and files should be handled
>> within the primitives, with the "natural" thing being done, even if it
>> means throwing an error. 
>Well, if there's general agreement about this, then we could simply take the 
>code that makes the call to PBHDeleteSync() out of the dir_Delete() function 
>I sent out earlier today and put it in the function sqFileDeleteNameSize in 
>sqFilePrims.c (making that file less portable -- does anyone know if rmdir() 
>works on the Mac?)

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