PWS headless - Lack of Responsiveless and Double Submits

Peter William Lount peter at
Wed Aug 25 22:56:59 UTC 1999


Well the headless server now seems to responding most of the time. It still
doesn't respond all of the time when a request is made from a web browser.

In addition, once the page does respond subsequent requests form the "post
your message" submit button just hang it unless you press the button twice
in which case it responds instantly but with a duplicate entry (since it
was pressed twice!)... ;--(

You can try it (if it doesn't work the first time try again and make sure
to try double clicking on the "post your message" button) at this demo site

It's very strange in that it consistently won't respond the first time (or
two) but
if you try again time it's there instantly! This applies for when you
activate the page from a browser and when you press the submit button!

Anyone got any ideas about this?

All the best,

Peter William Lount
peter at

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