source in browser? - (new user question)

Jeff Szuhay jeffs at
Wed Aug 11 21:11:16 UTC 1999

At 1:49 PM -0700 8/12/99, Mark Polishook wrote:
>Thanks for the responses to my question. I downloaded a fresh source and 2.5
>with an ftp client in bin mode and everything now loads just fine.

For Mac downloading, I have become pretty fond of Monica
because it uses X-modem-style protocol and can resume
where it left of if an ftp session is interrupted.

It also downloads binaries very nicely.

This is really handy for large downloads (over 1 MB).


    Jeff Szuhay                <mailto:jeffs at>
    Lead Macintosh Engineer    voice: 412/271-5040 x227
    Psychology Software Tools  <>

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