[ENH][GOODIE] Alignment for SimpleHierarchicalListMorph and DirectoryExplorer

Bolot Kerimbaev bolot at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Dec 23 22:12:23 UTC 1999

Great goodie!

Some additions to Bob Arning's suggestions:

- lazy initialization of the directory tree for performance (otherwise,
opening on 'C:\' takes forever)
- support for keyboard navigation (arrow keys, mouse wheel)
- a hook to AppleScript/COM(?) to open files externally (e.g., Excel,
Quicken :)
- a text field for:
  - filter (like FileList)
    - filter out (i.e., don't show files)
    - multiple filters (will need a different UI for this)
  - quick jump to another directory (e.g., '/usr/bin')
- grouping folders/files
- a view pane:
  - for files, shows their content
  - for directories, shows files(?)

DirectoryExplorer new openExplorerFor: (DirectoryNode fileDirectory:
FileDirectory default)


> Bob Arning's suggestions:
>- sorting by date/name/etc
>- renaming/deleting
>- moving (drag-and-drop)
>- other kinds of things the FileList can do: file in, load, open, view, etc
>- there's is a bug if you toggle down the triangle on and empty directory.
the hierarchical list code assumes that items with triangles actually have
contents. something needs to give here.
>- maybe for directories where the size is zero, show the number of items

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