time zones, offtopic (Was: Various fixes for Celeste)

Eric Ulevik eau at fast.fujitsu.com.au
Wed Dec 8 01:20:29 UTC 1999

From: Jarvis, Robert P. <Jarvisb at timken.com>
> This has me really confused.  (Perhaps that was the point? :-)  If you set
> the clock back one hour at 2am I'd have expected to see
> 0000 0030 0100 0130 0200 0130 0200 0230 0300 ...
> i.e. I'd have expected to see 0130 repeated, not 0230.  ???

Usually the 2am changed refers to is standard time, not summer time. So the
local time runs all the way up to 025959 summer time.


Eric Ulevik

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