[GOODIE] FishEyeMorph

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Thu Dec 16 15:31:42 UTC 1999

>  Uh, I'm still wasting my time, (and probably yours also if
>you're reading), but I happend to write a demo of displaying
>"fish eye view".
>  The attached is the code of FishEyeMorph, which is a
>subclass of MagnifierMorph.  You can test it by choosing
>"new morph..." - > "Demo" -> "FishEyeMorph" from the menu.
>  Have fun.

Yoshiki, this is beautiful!

I tried to produce such an effect right after I got warpBlt working, and failed.
Thank you for your spirit of play.

	- Dan

PS.  It is impossible to waste time (and this is as far from it as I can imagine ;-)

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