[ENH] positioning of new windows by mouse

Stephan Rudlof sr at evolgo.de
Mon Dec 6 05:47:50 UTC 1999

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"Change Set:		posNewWindowsByMouse
Date:			6 December 1999
Author:			Stephan Rudlof

Enables positioning of new windows by mouse; useful for displays with
multiple virtual screens (e.g. managed by fvwm2 under Linux).

For enabling this feature evaluate
	Preferences enable: #windowOriginByMouse.
for disabling it
	Preferences disable: #windowOriginByMouse.
This isn't done automatically (no postscript)!"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
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'From Squeak2.7alpha of 1 December 1999 [latest update: #1671] on 6 December 1999 at 6:42:07 am'!
"Change Set:		posNewWindowsByMouse
Date:			6 December 1999
Author:			Stephan Rudlof

Enables positioning of new windows by mouse; useful for displays with multiple virtual screens (e.g. managed by fvwm2 under Linux).

For enabling this feature evaluate
	Preferences enable: #windowOriginByMouse.
for disabling it
	Preferences disable: #windowOriginByMouse.
This isn't done automatically (no postscript)!!"

!RealEstateAgent class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'sr 12/6/1999 06:24'!
initialFrameFor: aView initialExtent: initialExtent 
	"Find a plausible initial screen area for the supplied view, which should 
	   be a StandardSystemView, taking into account the    
	'reverseWindowStagger' Preference, the size needed, and other windows  
	  currently on the screen."
	| allOrigins screenRight screenBottom putativeOrigin putativeFrame allowedArea staggerOrigin otherFrames |
	(Preferences valueOfFlag: #windowOriginByMouse)
		ifTrue: [^ Rectangle originFromUser: initialExtent].
	Preferences reverseWindowStagger ifTrue: [^ self strictlyStaggeredInitialFrameFor: aView initialExtent: initialExtent].
	allowedArea _ self maximumUsableArea.
	screenRight _ allowedArea right.
	screenBottom _ allowedArea bottom.
	otherFrames _ Smalltalk isMorphic
				ifTrue: [(SystemWindow windowsIn: World satisfying: [:w | w isCollapsed not])
						collect: [:w | w bounds]]
				ifFalse: [ScheduledControllers scheduledWindowControllers select: [:aController | aController view ~~ nil]
						thenCollect: [:aController | aController view isCollapsed
								ifTrue: [aController view expandedFrame]
								ifFalse: [aController view displayBox]]].
	allOrigins _ otherFrames collect: [:f | f origin].
	self standardPositions do: [:aPosition | "First see if one of the standard positions is free"
		(allOrigins includes: aPosition)
			ifFalse: [^ (aPosition extent: initialExtent)
					squishedWithin: allowedArea]].
	staggerOrigin _ self standardPositions first.
	"Fallback: try offsetting from top left"
	putativeOrigin _ staggerOrigin.
	[putativeOrigin _ putativeOrigin + StaggerOffset.
	putativeFrame _ putativeOrigin extent: initialExtent.
	putativeFrame bottom < screenBottom and: [putativeFrame right < screenRight]]
		whileTrue: [(allOrigins includes: putativeOrigin)
				ifFalse: [^ (putativeOrigin extent: initialExtent)
						squishedWithin: allowedArea]].
	^ (self scrollBarSetback @ self screenTopSetback extent: initialExtent)
		squishedWithin: allowedArea! !


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