Open source/Commercial Modeling/Diagramming tools for smalltalk

Ralph E. Johnson johnson at
Wed Jan 13 04:08:22 UTC 1999

At 2:50 AM 1/13/99, Daniel Vainsencher wrote:
>Sorry that this is not precisely about the lists subject.
>I'm looking for a tool that would help (at least) document the design of an ST
>system (enable me to make nice diagrams, or better yet, make them itself), 
>preferably a tool that also generates code.
>It'd be better if it's free and open source...

Advance is a round-trip engineering tool.  Although it can generate code,
its real strength is that you can develop your software in Smalltalk as
usual and it will generate nice diagrams for you.  I think it is only
for VisualWorks, and it is certainly not free.  It is from IC&C GmbH


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