R.I.P. Byte

Joachim Durchholz joachim.durchholz at munich.netsurf.de
Fri Jan 22 21:13:19 UTC 1999

Stephen Pair wrote:
> Can anyone recommend good current publications (electronic or print)
> that cover neat stuff in the spirit of the old BYTE?

If you want to brush up your German as well as getting
technically-oriented and detailed info, you might try

  magazin für computer und technik

Snail mail subscription (don't forget to send via Air Mail, ground will
take about six weeks):

  Leserservice c't
  Postfach  77 71 14
  D-30821 Garbsen

Online subscription via



  abo at ct.heise.de

Price: DM 115.50 (that's somewhere between 50$ and 80$ I think) for a
year (one issue every two weeks, cancellation possible after one year,
will terminate subscription two issues after note of cancellation).

No, I'm not affiliated to them. Just a happy subscriber :)
They've been reducing technical content over the years, but it's still
the best one available (and from what I hear from correspondents in the
US, there is no equivalent there).

Please don't send unsolicited ads.

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