Good references covering Smalltalk-80

Brian briank at
Wed Jan 6 18:31:26 UTC 1999


Been there, done that.  I want a more detailed overview of Smalltalk
than what the links provide. The tutorials I've come across are simply
too brief to allow me to do anything useful with Squeak...


Tim Rowledge wrote:
> On Wed 06 Jan, Brian wrote:
> > Can anybody suggest a few good reference books on Smalltalk-80?  I
> > program in C++, so I'm familiar with OO concepts.  Plus, I learn better
> > by example, so would be greatly interested in references with lots of
> > annotated examples.
> Brian, start from and follow links from there.
> There are lots and lots of explicatory sources for Squeak nad Smalltalk in
> general.
> tim
> PS   'I program in C++, so I'm familiar with OO concepts.' - what a brave
> claim :-) :-)
> --
> Useful random insult:- Moves his lips to pretend he's reading.
> Tim Rowledge:  rowledge at (w)  +1 (650) 842-6110 (w)
>  tim at (h)  <>

--Brian Koontz      --
--Routech, Inc.     --
--briank at

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