Updates to Release 2.3

Dan Ingalls DanI at wdi.disney.com
Thu Jan 28 21:41:11 UTC 1999

Folks -

I have just distributed 8 new updates to Squeak 2.3.

Many thanks for your useful contributions.

Here follows a summary list...

	- Dan


605diffInChangeList-sw -- Scott Wallace -- 	27 January 1999
Deploys Andreas's diff function in changelist & versions browsers.
For a versions browser, each version shows its diffs from the preceding version.
For a changelist browser, diffs from the in-memory versions, if any, are shown.
New preference #showDiffsInChangeList governs whether or not the diff feature should be used."

606ThreeChanges-di -- Dan Ingalls -- 	28 January 1999
Changes the response of 'browse versions' commands when there is only one version.  A recent change made it simply say 'No older versions', but this was bad if you wanted to see, eg, the version stamp, or just a clean copy of the method.  The new reponse is similar, but offers the option to see the only version anyway.
Limits the speed of the zoom transistion (between projects) to 500 ms.  Machines are getting fast enough that you can't see a full-speed zoom.
Increases the composition box of a textMorph with no container.  The previous limits had caused a false end in very long paragraphs, as when examining a megabyte long file in the FileList.  The new limit is still finite, but corresponds to the practical limit of single paragraphs.
Also updates the text of the command-key help window.

607Time-class-readFrom -- Bert Freudenberg --

608ServerDirectory-entries -- Leandro Caniglia --

609IPaddress-mdr -- Michael Rutenberg (mdr at scn.org) -- 	27 January 1999
Corrects a small bug that prevented the lookup of host names which begin with a digit, such as 100000jobs.de   Host names lookup will now be fully compliant with RFC 1123 section 2.1"

610ScamperFixes -- Tim Olson -- 	22 January 1999
Fixes for 2 bugs discovered when browsing various web pages with Scamper
	This fix prevents an out-of-bounds error when a ListMorph with a non-zero
	default index is initialized without initializing the list at the same time.
HTTPSocket class>>httpGetDocument:args:accept:request:
	Added missing parenthesis around (self argString:args) when concatenating
	to the page string.

611DigitBufferNot -- Dan Ingalls -- 	28 January 1999
Removes the unused class variable 'DigitBuffer' from SmallInteger.
Suggested by Luciano Notarfrancesco

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