[ENH] Conditional halt

Michael Rueger Michael.Rueger.-ND at disney.com
Tue Jul 20 17:00:49 UTC 1999

Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> Unfortunately this does not work. At least with the Unix VM, this loop
> doesn't terminate when shift is pressed:
> 100 timesRepeat: [
>         self debug.
>         (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait
> It does, however, terminate, when shift is down AND a mouse button or
> another key is pressed simultaneously. Does this work on a Mac? Windows?

Hmm, I would consider this to be a bug in the Unix VM?
I tested it on NT, don't have a Mac (yet ;-) ).

> Also, I suggest a name like #shiftHalt or something alike because #debug
> is used otherwise in Squeak.

Hmm, yes, after I submitted the squeaklet I also found STP's #safeHalt

Nevertheless I'll vote for including one or the other into the standard



 "To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often." 
                                            Winston Churchill
| Michael Rueger                                             |
| Phone: ++1 (818) 623 3283        Fax:   ++1 (818) 623 3559 |
+--------Michael.Rueger.-ND at online.disney.com----------------+

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