dumping ALL the docs [newbie]

Luciano Notarfrancesco luciano2 at mail.ru
Fri Jul 30 21:54:08 UTC 1999

> er, ah, i hate to ask another newbie questions, but after i file in it, i 
> can't get it work. is there some initialization i need to do? what class of
> object does #allCommentsOn look for?
> sorry, but i'mma learnin'.
> jason

Jason, the argument for #allCommentsOn: must be an HtmlFileStream.
You can create one of those just sending a FileStream the message asHtml. For instace, try the folloing in a workspace:

	file _ (FileStream newFileNamed: 'comments.html') asHtml.
	Number allCommentsOn: file.
	file close

This should write all the comments of the Number hierarchy on the file comments.html (in the Squeak working directory).


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