[FIX] FileIn problem with nil organization

Michael Rueger Michael.Rueger.-ND at disney.com
Thu Jul 29 01:25:05 UTC 1999

Attached is a quick fix to work around the nil organization problem
described in

> When I tried to load a few fileOut's from my then-pending 2.5 image, 
> ClassBehavior classComment:stamp: whined with a Message Not 
> Understood classComment: as variable "organization" was nil.

You should fileIn this fix before filing in any other code after
applying the updates.



 "To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often." 
                                            Winston Churchill
| Michael Rueger                                             |
| Phone: ++1 (818) 623 3283        Fax:   ++1 (818) 623 3559 |
+--------Michael.Rueger.-ND at online.disney.com----------------+
'From Squeak 2.4c of May 10, 1999 on 28 July 1999 at 6:19:01 pm'!

!ClassDescription methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'mir 7/28/1999 18:15'!
classComment: aString stamp: aStamp
	"Store the comment, aString or Text or RemoteString, associated with the class we are organizing.  Empty string gets stored only if had a non-empty one before."

	| ptr header file oldCommentRemoteStr |
	(aString isKindOf: RemoteString) ifTrue: [^ organization classComment: aString].
	oldCommentRemoteStr _ self organization commentRemoteStr.
	(aString size = 0) & (oldCommentRemoteStr == nil) ifTrue: [^ organization classComment: nil].
		"never had a class comment, no need to write empty string out"

	ptr _ oldCommentRemoteStr ifNil: [0] ifNotNil: [oldCommentRemoteStr sourcePointer].
	SourceFiles ifNotNil: [(file _ SourceFiles at: 2) ifNotNil: [
		file setToEnd; cr; nextPut: $!!.	"directly"
		"Should be saying (file command: 'H3') for HTML, but ignoring it here"
		header _ String streamContents: [:strm | strm nextPutAll: self name;
			nextPutAll: ' commentStamp: '.
			aStamp storeOn: strm.
			strm nextPutAll: ' prior: '; nextPutAll: ptr printString].
		file nextChunkPut: header]].
	aStamp size > 0 ifTrue: [self commentStamp: aStamp].
	organization classComment: (RemoteString newString: aString onFileNumber: 2).
	Smalltalk changes commentClass: self.	! !

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