How About an InstallSqueak Image?

Michael S. Klein mklein at
Wed Jun 16 03:00:48 UTC 1999

> > With installSqueak images, you will have two files, yes, but so what?
> > One is UNIFORM across all systems, while the other is the necessary
> > MACHINE-SPECIFIC VM for that system.
> You could bundle these two files as well (at least under Windows) to one
> executable for each platform.

Too bad we cant just bundle the hardware with each new release.
(Hmm.... Squeak on SOAR) 
As pointed out, above, the VM's are coupled to their supporting layer,
thus alowing DEcoupling of the image.  This being the case, maybe
Squeak could have a version naming system that indicates when
a new version of the VM is required, and when only an image is (or module).

Deployment, on the other hand, should be a separate issue. Unless
you control the distribution channels, you are going to possibly run into
some piece of software that thinks it knows more about line-end-conventions
than you do.  (Beware the Winzip TAR file Smart CRLF conversion).
This is the attractive part about running in a browser;
you are no longer targeting in the dark (well not quite as dark).

-- Mike Klein

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