Code Generators (Re: Temporary variables)

Marcel Weiher marcel at
Sat Jun 19 06:15:29 UTC 1999

Code generators are evil, and should be unnecessary.  If the  
necessity for code generation arises, it is an indication that either  
the developer hasn't abstracted the problem enough, or that the  
language is not sufficient for expressing the abstraction.


> From: "Norton, Chris" <chrisn at>
> I really have nothing new to add to the discussion, as I agree  
with most of
> the people who described various ways to do away with extraneous  
> variables, but I wanted to point out that in my experience, the  
only methods
> I've run across that had a size problem of any kind were the  
> methods that are generated by WindowBuilder Pro (I use  
WindowBuilder Pro
> with VSE).  In my experience, code generators will make some generic 
> assumptions and they rarely produce code that is as tidy as I like  
it.  ;-)
> In those special cases, I routinely break up the generated methods into 
> smaller ones.

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