Publish-Subscribe - much improved...

Peter Smet peter.smet at
Sat Jun 12 14:52:22 UTC 1999

After the comment by Stephen about failing to signal semaphores
by blocks with explicit ^ returns, I went through and checked my
Publish-Subscribe stuff with a fine-tooth comb. There were about
3 places where the flow of control allowed blocks to 'escape' without
signalling the semaphore. I suspect these were responsible for
the deadlock situations that some people described.

I think anyone who was having problems with the event framework
will find the attached version a huge improvement (Otherwise, it's
back to the drawing board for me....).

Just a reminder of what Publish-Subscribe does - it allows contructs
of the form:
publisherObject when: #eventSymbol send: #selector to: subscriberObject.
publisherObject trigger: #eventSymbol.

All references to publishers and subscribers are held in
and are automatically garbage collected.

Thanks all for your collective help!


>>This sounds suspiciously like something else I encountered when writing
>>External Memory stuff.  The problem I found was that there are numerous
>>places in the collection hierarchy where explicit returns are found inside
>>#do: block.  The example I encountered was:
>>Collection>>includes: anObject
>>  "Answer whether anObject is one of the receiver's elements."
>>  self do: [:each | anObject = each ifTrue: [^true]].
>>  ^false
>>...and where it caused problems for me was when you send #includes: to an
>>instance of a WeakRegistry.  Since #do: in WeakRegistry is implemented as
>>do: aBlock
>>  ^self protected:[
>>  valueDictionary keysDo: aBlock.
>>  ].
>>...the block will return from the #includes: context before the mutex
>>Semaphore has been signaled...hence subsequent uses of the WeakRegistry
>>result in an indefinte wait on a Semaphore that will never be signaled.
>>The solution here seems to be an appropriate use of #ensure: blocks.  I
>>think that has been added by Craig Latta's exception handling framework.

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Attachment converted: Anon:Publish-Subscribe-cut.12Jun1158 
(????/----) (0000AB71) 

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