More on Random

Pat Caudill patc at
Fri Jun 11 22:27:41 UTC 1999

>Doesn't this initialize the seed to 0 if
>(Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) = (self hash + 1)?
>That is, I think you need to bind the #bitXor: tighter than the #+, as
>	seed := ((Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF)
>			bitXor: self hash) + 1.

You can't win if the time is, ferinstance,  16r55555555 and the hash is 
16rAAAAAAAA then your expression will be zero. (very unlikely that but... 
:-). If you really want to be safe you will have to put in an explicit 
test for zero.   :-(

Pat Caudill

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