[FIX] error in #replaceColor:withColor:

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Tue Jun 29 17:08:26 UTC 1999

Without having spent a lot of time, I offer the code below.
It seems to work well enough to do the right thing for...

	((Form extent: 5 @ 5 depth: 32) fillWhite; 
		replaceColor: Color white withColor: Color red) displayAt: 0 at 0

.... and, more to the point, it allows FMP to run in 32 bits.  I'm not sure the colors are quite right, though, and the creation of terrain tiles takes a much longer time.  Might require a tweak to FMP, and possibly to my fix below as well.

	- Dan
!Form methodsFor: 'image manipulation' stamp: 'di 6/29/1999 09:48'!
replaceColor: oldColor withColor: newColor
	"Replace one color with another everywhere is this form"

	| cm newInd target ff rgb val |
	cm _ Bitmap new: (1 bitShift: (depth min: 15)).
	depth = 32
		ifTrue: ["32-bit pix vals for 32k color map..."
			1 to: cm size do:
				[:i | rgb _ i-1.
				val _ (rgb bitAnd: 16r1F)
					+ ((rgb bitAnd: 16r3E0) bitShift: 8)
					+ ((rgb bitAnd: 16r7C00) bitShift: 16).
				cm at: i put: val]]
		ifFalse: [1 to: cm size do: [:i | cm at: i put: i - 1]].
	newInd _ newColor pixelValueForDepth: depth.
	cm at: (oldColor pixelValueForDepth: (depth min: 16))+1 put: newInd.
	target _ newColor isTransparent 
		ifTrue: [ff _ Form extent: self extent depth: depth.
			ff fillWithColor: newColor.  ff]
		ifFalse: [self].
	(BitBlt toForm: target)
		sourceForm: self;
		sourceOrigin: 0 at 0;
		combinationRule: Form paint;
		destX: 0 destY: 0 width: width height: height;
		colorMap: cm;
	newColor = Color transparent 
		ifTrue: [target displayOn: self].! !
>It seems that Form>>replaceColor:withColor: has a problem when depth = 32. Evaluating:
>	(Form extent: 5 @ 5 depth: 32)
>		replaceColor: Color white withColor: Color red.
>results in:
>	subscript is out of bounds: 4294967296

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