[BUG, preliminary FIX]

Joshua Gargus gargus at ugrad.cs.ualberta.ca
Fri Jun 11 15:37:21 UTC 1999


I'm about to describe a problem I encountered, and provide
a fix that works for me, although I'm not sure it is 
completely general.


Squeak 2.4c on linux-ppc


Cannot open a BookMorph.  For example, if the book is at
/home/josh/TestBook.bo, then trying to select this in a file
browser and opening it as a book fails.  This is because the
page files (/home/josh/TestBook[1234...].sp) are looked for
in the directory 'home/josh/' (the leading '/' is dropped).

Further experimentation led me to discover that the URL 
handling in Scamper was lacking as well; 
'file:/home/josh/tmp.txt' would again drop the leading '/'
and try to find the file as a relative pathname.


Changeset included below.  My concern is that this will cause
problems on Windows, Mac, Acorn, etc.; I don't know the filename
conventions on these operating systems.  Could someone more
knowledgable than I take a look at the cross-platform implications
of my changeset, and fix it if necessary? 


'From Squeak 2.4b of April 23, 1999 on 10 June 1999 at 10:15:49 pm'!

!FileUrl methodsFor: 'access' stamp: 'jcg 6/10/1999 11:10'!
	"Path to directory as url, using slash as delimiter"

	^ String streamContents: [ :s | self putAbsoluteDelimiterIfNecessary: s.
		1 to: self path size - 1 do: [ :ii |
			s nextPutAll: (path at: ii); nextPut: $/
			 ] ]! !

!FileUrl methodsFor: 'access' stamp: 'jcg 6/10/1999 11:10'!
	"Path using local file system's delimiter.  $\ or $:"

	^ String streamContents: [ :s | self putAbsoluteDelimiterIfNecessary: s.
		1 to: self path size - 1 do: [ :ii |
			s nextPutAll: (path at: ii); nextPut: FileDirectory default pathNameDelimiter
			 ] ]! !

!FileUrl methodsFor: 'access' stamp: 'jcg 6/10/1999 11:10'!
	"Path using local file system's delimiter.  $\ or $:"
	| first |
	^String streamContents: [ :s | self putAbsoluteDelimiterIfNecessary: s.
		first _ true.
		self path do: [ :p |
			first ifFalse: [ s nextPut: FileDirectory default pathNameDelimiter ].
			first _ false.
			s nextPutAll: p ] ]! !

!FileUrl methodsFor: 'private-initialization' stamp: 'jcg 6/10/1999 11:08'!
putAbsoluteDelimiterIfNecessary: aStream
	self isAbsolute ifTrue: [ aStream nextPut: FileDirectory default pathNameDelimiter ]
! !

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