genuine squeak newbie

Jeff Szuhay jeffs at
Tue Jun 22 21:15:30 UTC 1999

>[Question about "programs" or the equivalent in Squeak]
>I've written a page to help with precisely that question.
>Please see if -
>Helps you any.
>One of the links from there, and specifically applicable to experienced
>programmers that are Squeak-newbies, is-
>Please mail me if you have any comments.


I did just a little bit of SmallTalk/V coding a number of years ago
and am now getting back to SmallTalk (Sun & Java just give me the

These are helpful pages.


    Jeff Szuhay                <mailto:jeffs at>
    Lead Macintosh Engineer    voice: 412/271-5040 x227
    Psychology Software Tools  <>

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