compiling the VM on Win machines

Tim Rowledge rowledge at
Tue Jun 22 00:37:12 UTC 1999

On Mon 21 Jun, David Farber wrote:
> what are my options if i want to compile the VM on Windoze machines? are
> there any freeware/shareware/opensource compilers i could use? or is anyone
> in the final stages of coding a retargetable C compiler in squeak? ;)
Weeeell, not really in the final stages, nor actually a C compiler, but we (as
in Alan Purdy working for Interval) did a 'slang' to assembler or object code
file compiler for ARM. The back end would be relatively simple to retarget,
according to Alan.
Since it was written in a somewhat idiosyncratic offshoot of Squeak, there
would be some work to integrate it, and the VM code needed a lot of tweaking
(you can't have #cCode: for example, since you don't have a C compiler
anymore....) but we did actually genarate an entire working VM from it a couple
of times.

If you (or anyone else) feels serious about doing something about it, you'd be
welcome to the code. It's not a trivial project...


Useful random insult:- Some Assembly Required.
Tim Rowledge:  rowledge at (w)  +1 (650) 842-6110 (w)
 tim at (h)  <>

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