[BUG] - MVC - Selector Finder (2.3+)

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Sun Mar 28 13:53:25 UTC 1999

On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 02:16:32PM -0800, SWallace wrote:
> If it's really true that the ENTER key doesn't work in an mvc SelectorBrowser on your machine, this may be a platform-dependent problem revolving around interpretation of the Enter key.  On the Mac, at least, ENTER works equivalently in mvc and morphic text panes, serving as a synoynm for "accept" in both cases.
FYI only: PC keyboards usually have both a <return> key for your right
pinky and an <enter> key on the numeric keypad way off to the right.
On many PCs (including mine) the <return> key and <enter> key are both
labeled "Enter". When running X window (e.g. Linux) the distinction between
the two keys is preserved; one generates X events for "Return" and the
other for "KP_Enter" (this is all going through several layers of confusing
mapping, but you get the idea). Windows would also have access to the
two distinct keys, I presume.

PC keyboards and labeling are very inconsistent (and I'm just talking
about the U.S.  keyboards!), so a lot of application software just
treats the two keys as if they were the the same.  My Linux Squeak system
seems to be set up this way.

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