Reality Check -- Silly Question.

Andrew C. Greenberg werdna at
Tue Mar 9 01:40:30 UTC 1999

I'm not sure that things have always been this way, or if I'm just 
mind blocking what's wrong:

	When I Squeak along on my iMac at 8 bit screen depth (with 
Machine set at zillions of colors for screen display), highlighting 
of the left-button menu shows a nice dark blue text over a light 
pink.  Likewise in the browser, there is a pleasing light colored 
background highlighting for selected text.

	Then, I set things at 32 bit or 16 bit screen depth, and all 
of a sudden  the highlighting (in MVC) gets way ugly.  Menus go black 
on white.  Text in the main browser is a whitish on a dark, dark blue 
-- seriously ugly.

	Have things changed overnight, has it always been this way, 
or am I missing something fundamentally simple?

Sorry about the silly question.

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