22 new updates

Georg Gollmann georg.gollmann at tuwien.ac.at
Wed Mar 31 07:34:46 UTC 1999

At 7:29 Uhr -0800 30.03.1999, Dan Ingalls wrote:
>		123 size no longer responds with 0.
>		nil size no longer responds with 0.

Why ?

I found the latter extremely handy in cases where one could get back either
a (possibly empty) collection or nil.

What does the ANSI standard say about this ?

Dipl.Ing. Georg Gollmann                TU-Wien, Zentraler Informatikdienst

phon:(+43-1) 58801 - 42022
fax: (+43-1) 58801 - 42099
mail:gollmann at zid.tuwien.ac.at

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