[ENH] Browser pluggable menu structure

Andres Valloud sqrmax at cvtci.com.ar
Fri Mar 12 21:22:00 UTC 1999


Ok, I have the browsers with pluggable menues. Now, before converting every
single hardcoded menu into aMenuPlugin I'd like to know if everything's going
fine. So here's the changeset (together with a postcript that initializes
everything so no problems --- worked ok in a clean 2.3 image).

Hope you like it!

'From Squeak 2.3 of January 14, 1999 on 12 March 1999 at 6:18:11 pm'!
Browser class
	instanceVariableNames: 'menuManager '!
Object subclass: #Cluster
	instanceVariableNames: 'contents '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Interface-Pluggable Menues'!
Object subclass: #MenuPlugin
	instanceVariableNames: 'itemList name linesAt '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Interface-Pluggable Menues'!
Object subclass: #MenuPluginManager
	instanceVariableNames: 'menues '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Interface-Pluggable Menues'!

!Browser methodsFor: 'system category functions' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 17:31'!
systemCategoryMenu: aMenu

	self class menuManager build: #SystemCategory on: aMenu.

"^ aMenu labels:
'find class... (f)
recent classes...
browse all
add item...
	lines: #(2 4 6 8)
		#(findClass recent browseAllClasses buildSystemCategoryBrowser
		printOutSystemCategory fileOutSystemCategory
		editSystemCategories updateSystemCategories
		addSystemCategory renameSystemCategory removeSystemCategory )
"! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'class functions' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 17:55'!
classListMenu: aMenu

	self class menuManager build: #ClassList on: aMenu.

"^ aMenu labels: 
'browse class
browse full (b)
spawn hierarchy
spawn protocol
inst var refs..
inst var defs..
class var refs...
class vars
class refs (N)
unsent methods
find method...' 
	lines: #(4 7 9 11 14 16)
		#(buildClassBrowser browseMethodFull printOutClass fileOutClass
		hierarchy editClass editComment
		spawnHierarchy spawnProtocol
		browseInstVarRefs browseInstVarDefs browseClassVarRefs 
		browseClassVariables browseClassRefs
		renameClass removeClass browseUnusedMethods findMethod)"! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'message category functions' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 18:12'!
messageCategoryMenu: aMenu

	self class menuManager build: #MessageCategory on: aMenu.

"^ aMenu labels:
add item...
TeX fileOut'
	lines: #(3 4 7)
		#(buildMessageCategoryBrowser printOutMessageCategories fileOutMessageCategories
		addCategory renameCategory removeMessageCategory
		texFileOutMessageCategories)"! !

!Browser class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 18:11'!
	"Browser initialize"

	| systemCategoryPlugin classListPlugin messageCategoryPlugin |

	RecentClasses _ OrderedCollection new.
	menuManager _ MenuPluginManager new.
	systemCategoryPlugin _ MenuPlugin new.
	systemCategoryPlugin name: #StdSystemCategoryPlugin.
		addItemLabel: 'find class... (f)' action: #findClass;
		addItemLabel: 'recent classes... ' action: #recent;
		addItemLabel: 'browse all' action: #browseAllClasses;
		addItemLabel: 'browse' action: #buildSystemCategoryBrowser;
		addItemLabel: 'printOut' action: #printOutSystemCategory;
		addItemLabel: 'fileOut' action: #fileOutSystemCategory;
		addItemLabel: 'reorganize' action: #editSystemCategories;
		addItemLabel: 'update' action: #updateSystemCategories;
		addItemLabel: 'add item...' action: #addSystemCategory;
		addItemLabel: 'rename...' action: #renameSystemCategory;
		addItemLabel: 'remove' action: #removeSystemCategory.
	systemCategoryPlugin linesAt: #(2 4 6 8).

	menuManager addMenu: #SystemCategory.
	menuManager menu: #SystemCategory addPlugin: systemCategoryPlugin.

	classListPlugin _ MenuPlugin new.
	classListPlugin name: #StdClassListPlugin.
		addItemLabel: 'browse class' action: #buildClassBrowser;
		addItemLabel: 'browse full (b)' action: #browseFullMethod;
		addItemLabel: 'printOut' action: #printOutClass;
		addItemLabel: 'fileOut' action: #fileOutClass;
		addItemLabel: 'hierarchy' action: #hierarchy;
		addItemLabel: 'definition' action: #editClass;
		addItemLabel: 'comment' action: #editComment;
		addItemLabel: 'spawn hierarchy' action: #spawnHierarchy;
		addItemLabel: 'spawn protocol' action: #spawnProtocol;
		addItemLabel: 'inst var refs..' action: #browseInstVarRefs;
		addItemLabel: 'inst var defs..' action: #browseInstVarDefs;
		addItemLabel: 'class var refs...' action: #browseClassVarRefs;
		addItemLabel: 'class vars' action: #browseClassVariables;
		addItemLabel: 'class refs (N)' action: #browseClassRefs;
		addItemLabel: 'rename...' action: #renameClass;
		addItemLabel: 'remove' action: #removeClass;
		addItemLabel: 'unsent methods' action: #browseUnusedMethods;
		addItemLabel: 'find method...' action: #findMethod.
	classListPlugin linesAt: #(4 7 9 11 14 16).

	menuManager addMenu: #ClassList.
	menuManager menu: #ClassList addPlugin: classListPlugin.

	messageCategoryPlugin _ MenuPlugin new.
	messageCategoryPlugin name: #StdMessageCategoryPlugin.
		addItemLabel: 'browse' action: #buildMessageCategoryBrowser;
		addItemLabel: 'printOut' action: #printOutMessageCategories;
		addItemLabel: 'fileOut' action: #fileOutMessageCategories;
		addItemLabel: 'reorganize' action: #editMessageCategories;
		addItemLabel: 'add item...' action: #addCategory;
		addItemLabel: 'rename...' action: #renameCategory;
		addItemLabel: 'remove' action: #removeMessageCategory.
	messageCategoryPlugin linesAt: #(3 4).

	menuManager addMenu: #MessageCategory.
	menuManager menu: #MessageCategory addPlugin: messageCategoryPlugin.! !

!Browser class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 17:29'!
	^menuManager! !

!Cluster reorganize!
('accessing' doesNotUnderstand:)

!Cluster methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/9/1999 22:51'!
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage

	| selector |

	"Not initialized, huh?"
	contents isNil ifTrue: [contents _ Dictionary new].

	"Check unary selector"
	aMessage arguments isEmpty ifTrue: [^contents at: aMessage selector].

	"Check 1 argument"
	aMessage arguments size = 1 ifTrue:
			selector _ aMessage selector.
			"Skip binary messages"
			selector last = $: ifFalse: [^super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage].
			selector _ (selector copyFrom: 1 to: selector size - 1) asSymbol.
			^contents at: selector put: aMessage arguments first.

	"The rest, well thank you"
	^super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage! !

!Cluster class reorganize!
('as yet unclassified')

!Collection methodsFor: 'enumerating' stamp: 'SqR 10/28/97 00:14'!
do: aBlock andBetweenDo: aSeparatorBlock
	"Evaluate aBlock for each element of the receiver, evaluating aSeparatorBlock
	between each pair of evaluations of aBlock"

	| first |

	first := true.
	self do:
		[:each |
				ifTrue: [first := false]
				ifFalse: [aSeparatorBlock value].
			aBlock value: each.
		]! !

!MenuPlugin reorganize!
('accessing' addItemLabel:action: itemList linesAt linesAt: name name: removeItemAt:)
('printing' printOn:)
('private' initialize)

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 17:31'!
addItemLabel: aLabel action: anAction
	itemList add:
			Cluster new
				label: aLabel;
				action: anAction;
		)! !

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/9/1999 22:53'!
	^itemList! !

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:38'!
	^linesAt! !

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:38'!
linesAt: anArray
	linesAt _ anArray! !

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/9/1999 22:50'!
	^name! !

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/9/1999 22:50'!
name: aString
	name _ aString! !

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/9/1999 22:53'!
removeItemAt: anInteger
	itemList removeAt: anInteger! !

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 17:36'!
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: self class name.
	aStream nextPut: $(.
	name printOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPut: $)! !

!MenuPlugin methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:38'!
	itemList _ OrderedCollection new.
	linesAt _ Array new! !

!MenuPlugin class reorganize!
('instance creation' new)

!MenuPlugin class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/9/1999 22:49'!
	^super new initialize! !

!MenuPluginManager reorganize!
('menu filling' menu:addFirstPlugin: menu:addPlugin: menu:removePlugin: pluginsInMenu:)
('menu management' addMenu: build:on: buildPlugin:on: menues removeMenu:)
('printing' printOn:)
('private' initialize)

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu filling' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 17:09'!
menu: aSymbol addFirstPlugin: aMenuPlugin
	(menues at: aSymbol) add: aMenuPlugin beforeIndex: 0! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu filling' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:57'!
menu: aSymbol addPlugin: aMenuPlugin
	(menues at: aSymbol) add: aMenuPlugin! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu filling' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:58'!
menu: aSymbol removePlugin: aMenuPluginName

	menues at: aSymbol put: 
		((menues at: aSymbol) reject: 
			[:one | one name = aMenuPluginName])! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu filling' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:58'!
pluginsInMenu: aMenuName
	(menues at: aMenuName) collect: [:each | each name]! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu management' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:55'!
addMenu: aSymbol
	(menues keys includes: aSymbol) ifTrue:
		[^self notify: 'Menu already exists'].
	menues at: aSymbol put: OrderedCollection new! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu management' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 18:06'!
build: aMenuName on: aMenu
	"Build aMenu from the plugin list at aMenuName"

	(menues at: aMenuName) 
		do: [:each | self buildPlugin: each on: aMenu]
		andBetweenDo: [aMenu addLine]! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu management' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 16:08'!
buildPlugin: aMenuPlugin on: aMenu
	"Build aMenuPlugin on aMenu"

	| index |

	index _ 1.
	aMenuPlugin itemList do:
		[:each |
			aMenu add: each label action: each action.
			(aMenuPlugin linesAt includes: index) ifTrue: 
				[aMenu addLine].
			index _ index + 1.
		]! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu management' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:47'!
	^menues keys! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'menu management' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:56'!
removeMenu: aSymbol
	menues removeKey: aSymbol ifAbsent: 
		[self inform: 'The menu ', aSymbol, ' does not exist']! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 17:38'!
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: self class name.
	self menues asArray printOn: aStream! !

!MenuPluginManager methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:44'!
	menues _ Dictionary new! !

!MenuPluginManager class reorganize!
('instance creation' new)

!MenuPluginManager class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 3/12/1999 15:44'!
	^super new initialize! !

Browser initialize!
Cluster removeSelector: #initialize!
Cluster class removeSelector: #new!
MenuPlugin removeSelector: #addItemLabel:selection:!
Smalltalk removeClassNamed: #MenuItem!
Browser initialize.
self inform: 'Pluggable Menu Structure added to Browser'!

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