[FIX] yet another 'nil size' buglet

ohshima at is.titech.ac.jp ohshima at is.titech.ac.jp
Tue May 4 11:22:42 UTC 1999

  StandardFileStream>>name sometimes returns nil.  As long as
I *roughly* checked the (over 400) call sites of #name
method, I found
is a place where the execution would result in sending #size
to nil object.

  The following is the patch for the method, but making
StandardFileStream>>name return non-nil object could be
another solution.

                                             OHSHIMA Yoshiki
                Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
                               Tokyo Institute of Technology 

!SystemDictionary methodsFor: 'browsing' stamp: 'yo 5/4/1999 16:37' prior: 21723495!
browseAllObjectReferencesTo: anObject except: objectsToExclude ifNone: aBlock
	"Bring up a list inspector on the objects that point to anObject. If there are none, then evaluate aBlock on anObject.  "

	| aList shortName |
	aList _ Smalltalk pointersTo: anObject except: objectsToExclude.
	aList size > 0 ifFalse: [^ aBlock value: anObject].
	shortName _ anObject name.
	shortName ifNil: [shortName _ ''].
	shortName size > 12 ifTrue: [
		shortName _ (shortName truncateTo: 12), '...'.
	OrderedCollectionInspector openOn: aList withEvalPane: false
		withLabel: 'Objects pointing to ', shortName.
! !

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