update 1164

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Mon May 3 19:55:41 UTC 1999

Reinier -

>> This is almost certainly a problem with your .changes file, most likely
>due to erroneous text conversion during
>> download or unpacking.

>Why was CR chosen for Squeak instead of CR LF?

For the same kind of reason its syntax is not the same as C.

We thought, when we started playing this game in 1972, that the separate line-feed character, used to advance the platten of a teletype machine, was an anachronism, and that modern software would be designed intelligently enough to handle the entire ascii character set (in fact of all 256 characters) without getting confused.

>How can I generate the sources anew?

If you mean reconstruct the entire sources after some program has mangled them, there is no way.

[aside relating to the CR LF problem -- the reason we take pains to eliminate all LFs from the source files is that if some <expletive deleted> interface program has changed your CRs to CR-LFs (and nothing more), it *is* possible to restore your sources to usability simply by removing every LF]

If you mean generate a sources file containing only those sources actually referred to by a given image, then try "Smalltalk condenseSources.", but heed the cautionary comment.

>Why does my image not shrink after Smalltalk majorShrink?

I don't know -- it does for me (on a Mac).

	- Dan

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