[IDEA] 'buildNewMethods' Preference <...>

Helge Horch Helge.Horch at munich.netsurf.de
Thu Nov 25 11:13:16 UTC 1999

At 17:29 24.11.99 -0800, Ali Chamas wrote:
>but i just thought it would be a handy way to begin
>the tangent coding tasks which occur while working.
>Also, the idea was kind of premature, thanks for the

Hmm, didn't sound too unreasonable to me... I wondered where I had heard
something similar before. Ah, here it is, quoted from

> A blindingly simple optimization to Smalltalk's development environment
is to add
> a "Define" button to the Smalltalk walkback window that is active when
you get a
> "doesNotUnderstand" and the receiver is not nil. Press the button and the
> compiles a stub method for you with a halt in it and continues. --KentBeck 

The intention is only slightly different, as Kent's button is supposed to
drive "just in time" programming.


P.S. This is a quick hack during lunch, seems to work for me. So far.
Caveat emptor. ;)

!Debugger methodsFor: 'notifier menu' stamp: 'hh 11/25/1999 11:59'!
	"compile a stub method and continue"
	| cls sel |
	cls _ contextStackTop receiver class.
	sel _ (contextStackTop at: 1) selector.
	cls compile: sel printString, '
	self halt'
		classified: nil
		notifying: nil.
	self proceed! !

!Debugger methodsFor: 'context stack menu' stamp: 'hh 11/25/1999 11:32'!
debugProceedMenu: aMenu
	| isDNU |
	isDNU _ contextStackTop selector = #doesNotUnderstand:.
	^ (isDNU and: [contextStackTop receiver notNil])
		ifTrue: [aMenu labels: 
					lines: #()
					selections: #(proceed debug stub)]
		ifFalse: [aMenu labels: 
					lines: #()
					selections: #(proceed debug )]! !

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