Direction needed

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at
Sat Nov 13 08:19:38 UTC 1999

Blacktooth <bt at> wrote...

>It wouldn't work at all until I used "topView controller openNoTerminate"

That's because opening a window in MVC kills the current thread.

>It became quite ill behaved afterwards, but would animate.

You don't say what you don't like.  It's hard to tell because you didn't send the test image.

>If I move viewForm changed outside the two closing brackets (which is
>where I thought it should be) it behaves even worse.

It looks OK to me -- displays once through the outer loop, not on every paste of a tile.
But it goes by too fast.  Put a Sensor waitClickButton in the outer loop.

I found it fairly easy to tell what was happening by changing...
	sourceForm := Form fromFileNamed: 'c:\source3.bmp'.
	sourceForm := Form extent: (4 at 5)*32.
and changing your texCollect init body from...
	(texCollect add: ( Form extent: texSize at texSize depth: sourceForm depth))
		copy: clipRect from: (i * texSize)@(j * texSize)
		in: sourceForm rule: 3. 
	(texCollect add: ( Form extent: texSize at texSize depth: sourceForm depth))
		copy: clipRect from: 0 at 0
		in: ((TextStyle default fontAt: 5)
			characterFormAt: (($A to: $Z) at: i*yElements+j+1))
		rule: 3. 

This gives you tiles with nice big letters.

I get some strange behavior which I believe is due to the openNoTerminate.  I would move to morphic, or use a simple open, and then run the doit after the open (use a workspace and don't declare the temps -- then they will become permanent in the workspace, and you can refer to, eg, viewForm after the window has been opened)

Hope this helps.

	- Dan

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