Distributed Squeak? Actors?

Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de
Tue Nov 16 21:30:13 UTC 1999

On Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 10:13:49PM -0600, Carlos Antonio Perez wrote:
> 	Is anybody working on a distributed version of Squeak?

There were some experiments/prototyps for distributed objects in Squeak:

Lex Spoon  Link:          http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~lex/7431/index.html
           Archived Mail: http://www.egroups.com/group/squeak/4412.html?

  Anyway, I did a basic RMI system for Squeak as a class project last quarter. 
  Ihadn't mentioned it because, well, it's just a toy.  But maybe a toy is at
  least interesting to some people out there.  

Xu Wang    http://www.egroups.com/group/squeak/7259.html?  

  S2S is a small object request broker designed specifically for
  Squeak. It let distributed objects send messages to each other 
  easily and transparently.

Peter Smet:  FlyByWire - a mini ORB for Squeak  
> 	How about Actors (actalk) as proposed by Jean-Pierre Briot? 


There is (as far as I know) no port of actalk for Squeak. But Stephen Pair
did an experimental Asynchronous Message implementation:

Stephen Pair: Asynchronous Messaging 

> 	What happened to the multithreaded squeak (Jitter if I remember)?

Jitter isn't multithreaded. It's a kind of JIT-Compiler that uses a
technique calles "threaded code", but this has (as I understood it) nothing
to do with the "threads" that operating systems provide.


Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de phone at home:(0721)614235 @work:(0721)608-2749
"Smalltalk is dangerous. It is a drug. My advice to you would be don't try
 it; it could ruin your life." -- Andy Bower

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